Lyme Disease Case Study

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The earliest known human infected by Borrelia, the distinctive spirochetal bacteria that causes Lyme disease, is “The Iceman”, a famous 5,300-year-old mummy found in the Otztal Alps. Personally, this ancient pathogenic spiral has haunted my family for over 20 years—since shortly after my birth, when my mother was positively diagnosed. Lyme disease is preventable, but both the infected individual and the public health professional must have knowledge and action of early treatment for it to be effective. Twenty years ago the study of Lyme disease was not as advanced as it is now, and there are still common misconceptions today in health care providers. Since I was old enough to understand what my mother was sick with, I have been a public health worker, warning friends and family members of the dangers of the woods and the bulls-eye rash. As the daughter and grandchild of developers, real estate agents, and coal miners, I have always been aware of what humans do to the environment. Environmental changes, such as increased exposures to tick bites in subdivisions built near wooded areas, are an aspect of our changing world that will affect the…show more content…
I expect to take full advantage of the position, and accelerate my path to executive leadership. Immediately following my fellowship, I expect to be hired in an entry-level manager position. Within 3-5 years of the fellowship position, my goal is to prove myself a stellar manager with strong interpersonal talents, adept at resolving conflicts between employees and with successful innovative projects under her belt. By the time I am 30, I hope to have found my professional love story: the health care area and center that are my passion. Right now, it feels like that might be New Orleans and ambulatory clinics, especially vital because outpatient care will continue to increase as a percentage of total health

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