Literary Analysis Of Catcher In The Rye

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Holden in a Web The Catcher in the Rye is a novel with many hidden messages for the reader to unravel. The whole novel presents the confrontation between the adult world and the world of adolescence. Holden is an intelligent, sensitive and insecure young man who is faced with the challenge of becoming an adult. Salinger presents him as a teenager who has an absent family, has social and academic problems and who reaches out to those around him to make us realize his needs. Firstly, Salinger portrays Holden as a juvenile with a failing family connection which makes the reader realize how lonely he is. Allie’s death really impacted Holden because their relationship was very close. “Allie, don’t let me disappear. Please, Allie.” (Salinger 198). This shows how much he cared about Allie and how he talks to him even if he is dead. He becomes a problematic teenager and his unsupportive parents address the issue by sending him off to boarding school again. Also, Holden’s mother has poor health. She gets frequent severe headaches and problems sleeping. She worries…show more content…
One example is when he gets mad at Stradlater and goes to Ackley’s room. Even though Ackley and Holden are not really good friends, he goes to try to get advice from him. Out of pure loneliness, Holden tries to start a conversation with taxi drivers and invites them for drinks. Another example is when he tries to tell Carl Luce indirectly that he needs psychological help but Luce does not get the message. “No. I’m only kidding. Listen, hey, Luce. You’re one of these intellectual guys, I need your advice. I’m in a terrific-” (Salinger 144). Lastly, he sees Phoebe’s friend who is in the park. He asks her if she knows if Phoebe went to the museum. He is almost sure what her response is going to be, but he just wants to start a conversation; he does not mind with

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