Catcher In The Rye Literary Analysis

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Jackie B. Fahey Mr. Lukas English 10 H 5 October 2015 The Catcher in the Rye: Literary Analysis "What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff...That's all I'd do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be." (Salinger 173). The Catcher in the Rye is more than just a title of J.D Salinger’s book. The catcher in the rye is a symbol, as well as a metaphor, which represents Holden’s major conflict in the book. Holden wants to connect with other people on a more mature and adult level but at the same time he wants to reject the phoniness of the adult world. Holden’s major conflict in the novel and his hostile outlook on life stems from the tragedies he has experienced in his life along with other events. The death of Holden’s beloved brother Allie, along with the depraved nurturing of his parents results in Holden becoming physiologically damaged. As well as stuck in a land of his own between childhood and the adult world. The life of Holden Caulfield is characterized by the death, heartbreak, and imperfections of the adult world that he experienced at such young age.…show more content…
The previous quote about the catcher in the rye symbolizes Holden’s necessity to stop kids from losing their innocence and to help them not fall in to the phoniness of the adult world. Holden’s primary virtue and belief throughout the novel is that he wants to be the catcher in the rye. Holden wants to protect kids from losing their innocence, by metaphorically catching them when they fall off the “cliff” into adulthood. Holden needs to understand that in reality this is not an option. Holden wants to help kids by trying to protect them from the adult world. But Holden needs to realize that everyone needs to grow up one day and he cannot protect the children

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