Liebeck V. Mcdonald's Case

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Stella Liebeck vs. McDonalds March 1, 1995 Prior to watching the movie Hot Coffee, I did not know any facts about this case. After learning all of the facts that consisted in the Stella Liebeck v. McDonald’s case, I can say that I definitely had a change of view. I believed that McDonalds should have paid. I did not know how extensive her skin grafts were, how long she was disabled, and the amount of time she had to spend in recovery. At the end of the documentary, they say she never got her energy back that she had before the incident. My impression is she never fully recovered from it because she did not make a one-hundred percent recovery; she could not live her life to the fullest. I believe that with not receiving the money needed for her medical expenses, her recovery could possibly have been detrimental. I also believe that she may have been able to get better care if she would have had more money. The case Stella Liebeck v. McDonalds March 1, 1995 is a remarkable case. It has gone through history and time as if it was untouched by truthful facts. Over…show more content…
Essentially, it restricts the rights of such persons to go to court. My formal interpretation of tort reform is that it was created by businesses to benefit them not the consumers or employees. It benefits the businesses by saving them money; it also helps them not foreclose their businesses once they have been sued. If a big business is sued, not only is foreclosure at risk because of money, but depending on the case, people may disagree with what had happened with the business and disagree with the outcome of the possible lawsuit. With tort reform, big businesses are not able to accept full responsibility for what has happened. Therefore, they are able to get away with a high degree of things that even the community hasn’t heard of because of tort

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