Legend Prodigy And Champion Literary Analysis

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Imagine you are in a room which is painted your favorite color. Your favorite pictures are hung on the wall, and it is the perfect place for you to go to be alone. What you just imagined was the setting. Setting is an aspect of writing that is often overlooked, but a book is literally nothing without setting. Marie Lu is the author of the Legend trilogy. In her three books, Legend, Prodigy, and Champion, Marie Lu does a fabulous job of helping the reader make a strong connection to the book through a well-written setting. There are many features to a great setting. These include how well the reader can imagine the setting and the characters in it, comparing different settings so the reader can compare and contrast, and adding depth and variation to the setting so it seems more realistic. In her trilogy, Marie Lu incorporates all of these traits in her…show more content…
There are many traits that a good setting should have. One in particular is how well the reader can imagine the setting and the characters or themselves in the setting. As a result of Marie Lu’s setting descriptions the reader can clearly imagine the setting. A great example of this trait is: “A thin transparent dome stretches across the city . … Each building has the ability to change on a whim. … Enormous, elegant bridges connect many towering skyscrapers, brilliantly white under the sun … forming a honeycomb-like web of ivory.” (Champion, page 135) This description of Ross City, Antarctica is obviously nothing like Antarctica today. In fact, it is nothing like anything in the world today, so the setting is appropriate for the sci-fi genre. One attribute of this direct quotation is that even though it is sci-fi, and otherworldly it is easy to imagine. For example, “Each building has the ability to change on a

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