Leaving A Nursing Home Research Paper

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Live today as if there will be no tomorrow. For all ages this will mean something a little bit different. For the younger generations, they would take it as if it meant to go out and party. However, for the older generations it would mean don’t miss out on bingo night and to stay away from the hospital. While we all know that it is coming in our time, everybody dreads hearing death. It leaves the family with many choices to make. From what's being done with the body, where it's going, and how it will get there. Even before they pass, things need to be planned for if they get to a situation where they can't help decide. Also, where they're going if something were to happen unexpectedly. When it’s a loved one's time to go, it will never be easy. Leaving a family can be tough. Especially, if you have…show more content…
Building with the patients and hearing all their stories to going in one day to find them passed away. It makes it hard to believe that some would mistreat the patients, but it happens. Nursing homes are not all bad. Even if some patients are not cared for properly, those are just some cases. There are so many good things about a nursing home. For instance, my grandma was a widow for a few years whenever she went into a nursing home and found herself a boyfriend. They also have bingo and other fun activities for them to participate in. Around Christmas time, different organization go in and sing carols for the patients. At nursing homes, everyone gets to be around people their age, they make new friends, and cannot forget they find people with the same interest as them. Then of course they talk about life experiences they have had. Leaving somebody go home to die. They can then be surrounded by family and in the comfort of their own home. When nothing else can be done, this is an option instead of staying in the hospital or being sent to a nursing home. Hospice tries to improve the quality of the last

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