Comparing Beowulf 'And The Wife's Lament'

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In the excerpts from “Beowulf” and “The Wife’s Lament” the themes anger and betrayal is present as an overall meaning towards heroism and love. To begin with, Unferth does not like Beowulf presence. To demonstrate, “The brave seafarer, much displeased him in that he was unwilling for any man in this wide world to gain more glory than himself” (Beowulf, 420). Clearly, Unferth does not see any other man as a hero other than himself. To explain, If Unferth himself could not destroy Grendel what makes Beowulf think he can. Next, Unferth states, “Breca outstayed you he was stronger” (Beowulf, 435). Unferth is annoyed with Beowulf’s pride of winning every battle and destroying everything, so Unferth recalls Beowulf of the challenge in which he lost to Breca in a swimming race to hopefully make Beowulf feel stupid and retrieve from…show more content…
Unfert is a betrayal warrior towards his own blood. Tostate, “ You slew your own brothers, your own close kinsmen. For the deed, however clever you may be” (Beowulf 504). Unferth clearly has no pity towards that statement in which Beowulf made. Moving forward, Beowulf anger is present when he had enough of Unferth's stupidity words. To show, “ Truly, Unferth my friend, all this beer has made you talkative. You have told us much about Breca and his exploits. But I maintain I showed the greater stamina” (Beowulf 447). Clearly, Beowulf hates the fact that Unferth just brings out the negative about him and not the positive things he has done in his life, in the battles in which he has endured and the difficulties of his challenges, however he succeed. In addition, Beowulf points out to Unferth to be careful of what he says. To demonstrate, “ I have never heard of fiercer fight by night under heaven's vault nor of a man who endured more on the ocean streams” (Beowulf 494). Unferth hates the fact that Beowulf is seen as a ‘Hero” to many so he tries to humiliate him. Moving on, in the excerpt “ The Wife’s Lament’, betrayal and anger

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