Lean Synchronization In Supply Chain Management

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Lean synchronization The aim of achieving the flow of products and services which is able to deliver exactly what customer want, in exact quantities, exactly when needed, exactly where required at the lowest possible cost is defined as lean synchronization(Slack et al, 2010). Lean manufacturing is an approach of continuous improvement that focuses on the removal of waste resources from a process so that the goods flow to the customer at determined rate with minimum inventory. Lean applies to whole enterprise including supply chain, new product development and services. Lean operations: Over the course of their evolution, supply chain planning systems have always responded to emerging challenges. Three concepts - material requirement planning…show more content…
Lean principles will require cooperative supplier relationship while balancing cooperation and competition. Cooperation involves a spectrum of collaborative relationships and coordination mechanisms. Supplier partnerships and strategic alliances represent a key of lean supply chain management. When comparing with the traditional model and the lean model, the traditional model has a vertical structure, outsourcing is done on cost based, relationship with the customers will be focused on transactions, the contracts which are drawn to the suppliers are short term and the inventory buffers will be large. Whereas the lean model will have a clustered structure which will help in drawing orders for each step by other step in the process, outsourcing is done with the strategic planning, the relationship is focused on mutually beneficial, the contracts with the supplier will be long term, inventory buffers will be…show more content…
To achieve six-sigma, a process must not produce more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. Six-sigma is a statistical representation which shows quantitatively how a process is working. This method also has two sub methods, DMAIC (define, measure, analyse, improve, control) and DMADV (define, measure, analyse, design, verify). The fundamental objective of six-sigma is the implementation of measurement based strategy that focuses on process improvement and variation reduction. This is achieved by its sub methods DMAIC and DMADV. Coca-Cola being a globally grown company will face rising in costs and increased competition on a daily basis. Lean six-sigma will help the organisation to combat this situation. Lean six-sigma will increase the organisation’s revenue by streamlining the various processes. This streamlining process will help the organisation to increase the production rate and produce effective end products with no cost to quality.

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