Lean In: What Women Would Do If They Weren T Afraid Summary

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Lean in: Women Lead On In Sheryl Sanberg’s first chapter, “Lean in: What Women Would Do If They Weren’t Afraid,” she discusses the low percentage of leadership roles taken by women. She argues that women are not encouraged to express their thoughts and act upon risky actions. Sandberg states although there is a huge progress in female leadership; there is an unequal amount of leaders between men and women. She eagers that there is no reason for women to not be more involved in leading roles, but everyone makes excuses for women not to be able to pursue these stressful positions. Sandberg’s main point in writing this chapter, is to have women go for the top leadership jobs and for supporters to advocate this modern cause. Sandberg is the first female board member of Facebook. Before joining Facebook, she was the Vice President of Global Online Sales and Operations. Sandberg as a working woman, Sandberg gives authority to analyze this social issue. Sandberg’s purpose of writing this chapter…show more content…
One example she provides is, “Professional ambition is expected of men but it is optional-or worse,…show more content…
It Hurts Their Cause,” Bruenig criticizes Sandberg’s article by proclaiming it doesn’t support all women like Sandberg is claiming to prove. She writes Sandberg’s chapter only encourage privilege women of the workforce. In Bruenig’s argument, lower income and class women are not able to simply go for those position by simply asking their bosses for benefits, because of their ranking in their occupancy. Bruenig is stating Sandberg is looking at the general perspective of working women, but not looking at the reality of all women in the

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