Las Vegas Research Paper

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Vacations are always exciting especially when you’re going with your good friends. I can say the Vegas was the first adult trips I have been on. I have been to some very adventurous trips with my friends like to Panama City Beach but, this made me feel more mature. I went with my two good friends Stephanie and Sereya. This was the first time we all went on a trip being over twenty one, so what better place to choose then Las Vegas. On the trip we endured a lot of experiences that made us want to stay in Vegas and not come home. Once we got on the plane getting a few drinks we looked at each other and knew our trip was about to kick off. We were so psyched for Vegas that we stayed up the whole plane ride, where I usually sleep through the plane ride. We were getting our pregame ready to be in Sin City. We touched down with a little alcohol in our system, giggling with each other. We couldn’t wait to check in and walk the Strip. We hailed a cab driver to take us to the destination we dreamed of. He was telling us the hot spots for us to eat at and where the clubs were at. As I stumbled out of the cab thanking the cab driver I raced Stephanie to the check-in desk. We were at the desk slurring our words asking the front desk official where the parties were at tonight. He told us, “walk the strip and you will find…show more content…
We were walking and talking to all the trip performers out there. There were some people drinking on the strip at five pm in the day, while homeless people entertained us for a few dollars. We bought tickets to go to this concert with a well-known DJ so we can party it up for the first night. The line to get in was pretty long but, we held our patience. Once we got in the club looked like a scene from a movie, beautiful ladies everywhere, drunk people making fools of themselves and the best dancing music playing. We partied all night making it as memorable as

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