Lars Movie Essay

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Throughout the film it becomes apparent that Lars suffers from only one disorder, that disorder being schizoid personality disorder. During the course of the movie one of Lars’ most apparent trait is his introverted temperament, choosing and preferring to spend his time by himself with no apparent interest or desire in developing close relationships to the point of avoiding them, including with his family who make an effort to include and invite him; Lars shows to even be uncomfortable with any of these invitations. Even than the only real bonds he seems to have is restricted to his family. Lars shown to be strongly characterized by a limited range of emotional expression and has difficulty reacting properly to events in his life, such as becoming…show more content…
He also demonstrated a heightened sensitivity towards the touch of others, as shown by being clearly very uncomfortable when his psychologist placed her hand on his arm and jumping when touched further to the point of seemingly being in pain from her touch. It is very clear to everyone else in the film that Lars behaves differently than perhaps a regular person would, being forced to send him to see a therapist when his family, being his brother and sister-in-law, are shocked when introduced to a sex doll by the name of Bianca whom Lars treats as being a real human. Though Lars seems to be aware that he indeed acts odd in comparison to most individuals he does not express any real desire to see a therapist, not uncommon for individuals who have schizoid personality disorder (Durand & Barlow, 2013). Overall Lars fits the general criteria of symptoms as expected of an individual with schizoid personality disorder as dictated by the DSM-V (American Psychiatric Association, 2013), including what was covered in-class and the text

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