LOS ANGELES Facts Of 1992 Essay

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LOS ANGELES RIOTS OF 1992 Introduction April 29th, 1992 proved to be a pivotal day in history. Following the controversial acquittal of four Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers, a riot of immense proportions broke out. The events that transpired over the next six days resulted in 58 deaths, 2,383 injuries, 12,111 arrests, over 7,000 fires and an estimated $717 million in damages (Associated Press 2002) . History At approximately 0030 hours on March 3rd, 1991 George Holliday was awaken to a disturbance taking place outside of his apartment. He used a newly purchased video camera to record a man beaten by four LAPD officers following a high-speed pursuit. Mr. Holliday felt he had captured a significant event, but had no way of knowing how significant that video would become. He took the footage to the KTLA news studio in Los Angeles the following day. Given the controversial nature, the media heavily publicized the resulting criminal defense trial. After the video appeared on several national news broadcasts, the American public becomes infuriated. Racial implications further fueled the issue due to the fact the police officers were all of Caucasian ethnicity and King was an African American. “Instantly, Rodney…show more content…
The CA ARNG alerted the 40th Infantry Division and several units from the 49th Military Police Brigade to deploy units located closest to the area. The acuity of the emergency required CA ARNG leadership to deploy the closest units first. The LAPD and local leadership were not given a timeline of when the troops would arrive. They were also not prepared with any type of tactical plan for the troops once they arrived. As the riots continued to build in ferocity, the leadership in LA County began to grow uneasy. By 1100, the Governor had approved an additional 2,000 CA ARNG troops to assist the

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