Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five

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sad times. Although it is an antiwar novel, Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse five is not only a book of the chilling details of war, but also a book of the facts of war, the side effects of life, and the consequences of dealing with all of that at the same time. Vonnegut writes in cycles and intertwined timelines to show his reader how trapped one can become in his own life, even just in his mind. Billy pilgrim is an average veteran, keepsake from battle and all, except a diamond ring is not the only “prize” he got from is time at war. Through Billy Pilgrim’s coping with life after war and his memories, Kurt Vonnegut paints a vivid tale of a man trapped within himself and his disease after a traumatic experience. Although the book does not focus on diagnosis the protagonist, Vonnegut’s book is best read through a psychodynamic lense in which we realize that Billy Pilgrim is Vonnegut’s disease personified after his experience of a “20th century apocalypse.” While we never get a literal diagnosis In the book. However, Vonnegut has written Slaughterhouse five in a manner in which we could assume the trouble Billy has. Billy has post traumatic stress disorder and it is not something he is able to deal with. Billy goes through his day to day routine just as anybody else would, but he is unable to put his past…show more content…
This approach to thinking maintains that our actions, feelings, thoughts, and emotions are all by products of our Id, Ego, and Superego. Our decision making levels and mentalities. Billy’s Id, Ego, and Superego have been affected by his war experiences causing him to behave in response to the way that is shaped. He has no problem living a life without much passion or drive, because he believes it is out of his hands, and furthermore, he hopes it is out of his hands because what he has done and his experiences are entirely too much for him to believe he would do
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