Tale Of Two Cities Sacrifice

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A Tale of Love An age where justice and rights become the focus, not only politically, but socially, as well, A Tale of Two Cities unfolds as a battle between, not only social classes, but a battle with morals. It was a time when beliefs were questioned and sides were taken in a fight for control. In Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities, love for another and love for power juxtapose each other as extreme measures and sacrifice are taken by the main characters to attain them, emphasizing that selfish desire brings out the worst in people while selfless care for others shows great strength. Although Madame Defarge, at one point, longed for redemption and righteousness after harsh treatment and ignorance from the aristocracy, she soon becomes too caught up in the search for control that she loses sight of what is truly important in life. The repression she felt over time builds up to epitomize the evil woman that is portrayed in the book. Her anger controls who she is as she ruthlessly hurts anyone in her path to revolution and power (Bloom 74). Retaliation is shown through “plain…show more content…
United to Carton through their love for Lucie, he remains faithful to the family and her (“A Tale of Two Cities”). Protecting them by telling the family he is simply going to France for a business trip, he instead attempts to fix the problems caused by his past (Dickens 246). Not wanting them to get mixed in with the dangers of the situation, he risks his own safety for theirs. Even in prison, Darnay is constantly thinking of Lucie, writing letters to her, Mr. Lorry, and Dr. Mannette, highlighting the strong love for them. In an effort to be the best person he can be for Lucie and his family, he risks his life to make amends with the people that his family hurt (Dickens 353). Ergo, Charles Darnay puts others before himself in an effort to do the right
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