Kopacz's Analysis Of Anne Bradstreet As A Puritan Poet

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Throughout Kopacz’s analysis, it is apparent that Kopacz believes that Anne Bradstreet was a thorough Puritan writer that always provided a sense of conclusion to all of her poems. Kopacz states that, “Bradstreet was at all times a Puritan poet . . . the conventions of apology and statements of humility at the end of many poems show her attachment to this tradition and her belief that poetry was a consecrated art” (185). Kopacz always provides evidence to back up her thoughts on Bradstreet’s poems. Not only this, but she also provides outside sources to support her stance. Kopacz’s paper was not about summarizing Bradstreet’s poems; it was more about analyzing how the poems were concluded and how effective the conclusion was for the readers.…show more content…
She states that there are private and public poems that Bradstreet wrote. For Example, some of Bradstreet’s public poems are about public figures such as, Sir Phillip Sidney, Queen Elizabeth, and Du Bartas. Some of her private poems are written about family members like her husband and her grandchildren, Elizabeth, Anne, and Simon. Kopacz states that Bradstreet’s private pieces are more controversial because they weight heavy on the religious side and Bradstreet gets emotionally charged during these poems. For example, in the last line of the poem for her granddaughter Elizabeth, Bradstreet says “ Is by His hand alone that guides nature and fate” (182). Although it is not stated who Murdock is, Kopacz references him in support to her finding. Murdock states “Bradstreet found herself close to writing rebelliously against God’s decree. She pulls herself together in the last line” (182). Kopacz goes back to analyzing the conclusion in this poem and says that instead of the controversy having a negative effect on the conclusion it had the opposite. Bradstreet shares her feelings and does not try to disguise them. Puritans were not supposed to hide how they

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