Essay About Cucumbers

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Steps for how to grow cucumbers in a pot The cucumbers are one of the most popular vegetable which is found and used in the entire part of the world. The cucumbers are very easy to row; you can also get fresh cucumbers from the market too. These are mainly used in the vegetable salads and also used for eating during the summer heats. There are varieties of cucumber available in the market which varies in size, shape and the color; these are cultivated in the entire part of the world under different climatic conditions the fresh cumbers are available in all the seasons and can be eaten raw, in salads, or in the juicing. How to grow cucumbers in a pot is an easy way to make cucumber in our home Some varieties of cucumber There are varieties of cucumber available in the market which includes, the Armenian cucumber which is a long cucumber, crispy and which are thin ribbed and curvy. These cucumbers are light green in colour and these have just the taste like the original cucumber. The other one is the dosakayi cucumber which is in yellow colour it has a mild sweet taste and has neutral flavour. These cucumbers are mainly used in the stews,…show more content…
There are varieties of cucumber sold in the local markets in all the season, there are also cucumber available in as preserved, pre-processed and pickled which are available in the grocery stores. When you buy cucumber from the market you should buy the fresh ones which is bright a and green in colour, its texture should be firm and stout, you have to look for the cuts, spots and breaks over the skin of the cucumber and do not buy those cucumber which are yellow in colour or matured. Better you buy the originally grown products which will give the rich flavour and the content nutrient. You have to keep the cucumbers in the low temperatures were they will stay fresh for several days. How to grow cucumbers in a pot is very simple and has very simple

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