Kid Monologue

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It’s a cold day in November and the only two people visible in the photo are bundled up to avoid the temperature. They’re on a farm, judging by the background. It looks to be late afternoon and there is no sign of life from the trees. A kid, looking to be about 3, has a smile of pure joy while his dad proudly hoists him in the air. The dad looks strong and confident, holding his creation to the sky, like an offering to God, thanking him for the little bundle of potential. I don’t remember too much from this particular day. It’s a bit foggy, but it still resonates the same theme that can be found scattered throughout my childhood. This picture, it takes me back to a time when nothing mattered. Not what you wore. Not who you hung out with. Not…show more content…
We were so happy together as he taught me how to grow up and how to act and I listened without question because as a kid your parents are always right and they can’t be wrong. They’re your parents, they’re not allowed to be wrong. A kid naivete makes them blind, and for a reason. A kid has to gradually learn the world. It’s not right for them to just be thrown out there to learn it all on their own. It becomes a problem when they don’t figure out their world in time to deal with it or quite frankly when they don’t have enough time to get as far away as possible. I just wish I had found out in…show more content…
I remember the nights where me and my sister did homework and made dinner by ourselves because mommy and daddy were fighting, later coming to find out dad was blocking the door preventing my mom to leave until he get away. I remember the day they sat me and my sister down and had to explain that we weren’t going to be a full family anymore. Also later finding out that the man I called a father had been unfaithful to the most beautiful woman on this planet, and I could never look at him the same way ever again. But the memories that bring back the most pain, the most suffering, are nights sleeping in fear of the next morning. Will he be in control of his emotions? If not will he take it out on me again? What about Abby? Is she safe from him? See I lived for about a year in constant fear of him, and the following three years in constant fear of the court’s decision. After my mother left him he was never the same. Granted what he did before she left wasn’t good at all. He manipulated everything around him to get what he thought was rightfully his, but after she left? ll sense of control was out in the wind, never to be seen again. His anger was never in check and his favorite targets? His own two flesh and
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