Karla's Lack Of Motivation For Not Going To College

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The room was filled with copious amounts of books and papers scattered everywhere. Karla, a 20-year-old student was just starting her second year in college. Her workload was full since she had to babysit two kids, look after her two dogs, and do all the house chores while she balanced her five classes. She had never been a very enthusiastic student, in fact, she hated going to school and would much rather be traveling than studying. Her lack of motivation was what lead her to take a year off after graduating high school, before beginning college. “I can’t sit in a classroom again without getting a chance to explore what I want to do and not what everyone wants me to do.” Her parents were not happy with her decision since they always believed…show more content…
She did not want to be a lawyer or an engineer. She did not want to sit in a cubicle all day, but what she did want was to find her true passion. Whatever that passion was, she was determined to find it. Her main reason for not going to college was that she did not know what she wanted to major in. She was indecisive and always kept finding new interests but nothing she would be able to do for the rest of her life. The first thing on her checklist was to work in different places to find what she really wanted to do. Her first job was at a restaurant as a server. “I hated that place. I came home every day smelling like grease and I couldn’t handle smiling all day, acting as if I loved my job.” Besides, the pay was bad and her tips were even worse. Sometimes customers did not even leave a tip she says. She worked there for two months before quitting. She still has the uniform somewhere, stashed in her closet to remind her of those horrible months and to appreciate servers and everyone else who works in a…show more content…
She was able to find a job at Barnes and Noble. She loved to see the people coming in who would spend hours looking for a good book or those who knew what they wanted and left in a hurry. Her favorite part of her job was the book signings. Even though they were hectic and sometimes made her frustrated, she was able to meet different authors. Her favorite book signing was with Stephen Meyer, author of the twilight series. “That day was super hectic there were so many people there that wanted to meet her. It was incredible to see how passionate they were. There were all kinds of people there from teens to adults and even some older people.” At that moment, she realized she wanted to do exactly that, make people bond reading her books regardless of where they lived or how they

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