Justin Trudeau Ad Analysis

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Justin Pierre James Trudeau MP (born December 25, 1971), a Canadian politician and the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. Trudeau is the eldest son of Pierre Trudeau long-serving Prime Minister, and Margaret Trudeau. He was elected as the Member of Parliament for the riding of Papineau in 2008, and re-elected in 2011. He has served as the Liberal Party's critic for Youth and Multiculturalism, Citizenship and Immigration, and Post Secondary Education, Youth and Amateur Sport. On April 14, 2013, Trudeau was elected leader of the Liberal Party in Canada. 2. Is a certain type of voter targeted by the ad? It is targetted toward the Conservatives. In the ad, Justin Trudeau states that he's worked hard to earn the trust of Liberals, and now he'd like…show more content…
What is the central message of the ad? “Canadians deserve better. We can keep mistrusting and finding flaws in each other or we can pull together and get to work. I worked hard to earn the confidence of the folks in Papineau. I worked hard to be the choice of Liberals, and now I'm going to work hard to earn your trust. I'm a leader, but I'm also here to serve. I am Justin Trudeau, and together will will build a better country.” The central message of the ad is vote for Justin Trudeau; he wants to build a better country with all of us. 4. What methods does the advertiser use to convince the viewer? (For example, consider music, other sound effects, narrator voice, use of lightning and colour, people shown, and clothing worn.) Justin Trudeau convinces the viewer by speaking personably, sitting on a school desk (implying theat he cares about the school system and wishes to improve it, as well as the way he dresses (clean, wearing a suit; however still relatable and kind). 5. Is this a positive ad, a negative ad, or a combination of the two? In my opinion it is positive; I see no reason to believe it's negative. 6. Comment on the usefulness of election advertising for helping voters chose solid public

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