Essay About Caño Cristales

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Organización Espíritu comunidad Falta inglés I would say Caño Cristales is a hidden gem that is slowly and carefully opening to tourism. What is it? Caño Cristales is a river with different water plants in it which makes it look as if the water had different colours depending on which part of the river you are in. I was there 2 weeks ago (september) and I was lucky to see red and yellow rivers. Depending on when you go the colours might be slightly different or the river might not have water. Make sure to check when it’s better to visit before you book. What to do there? I was there 4 nights and 5 days. Each day we went hiking and saw different áreas. We would stop every now and then to go for a swim in the pristine water. To get to the start of the hike we would take a 15-30 min. speedboat ride on the Guayabero river and a 45 minute jeep ride. Getting there was as interesting and fun as the hike itself. How to get there? How does it work? There are different tourism agencies that get you there. These agencies then hire the guides and hotel. We went there with Paseos por Colombia. I really liked the organisation and I can only thank Rosalía, the owner (who also joined us on the trip) for it. On the first day, we met at the…show more content…
The approach of La Macarena to tourism and the management of their resources was very good and interesting. They take good care of what they have and the whole community share the benefits. As an example, jeep drivers and guides take turns so that everyone works the same amount of hours, the hikes were organised so that the paths weren’t crowded, the restriction in number of tourists and products they can take inside prevents the area from getting damaged. The music show they performed for us was something organised by the community: the school teacher was the presenter, the dancers were children from the local dancing school, the musicians where the music teachers from their local community

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