Jung Typology Case Study

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I am not the person who I thought I am According to the sorting results of Jung Typology Test, my confirmed profile is ENTJ- Extravert(1%) iNtuitive(12%) Thinking(1%) Judging(25%), instead of ESFJ which was the result of the self-assessment from last week’s assignment. I was already a little bit taken back by the results from last week because I’ve thought all along that I am an introvert (I’m a quiet type of person), but the little bit of free information from queendom.com revealed that I’m 57% extroverted. And yes, I was in for more surprises when I read the descriptions of ENTJ because I don’t think I fit into a lot of the description, such as being a big talker. After being puzzled for a number of days about my MBTI, I figured that…show more content…
This also means that I can work as part of a team and can work alone as…show more content…
His primary concern is what seemed good for the present. Like I mentioned earlier I don’t mind changes when it’s necessary but to change plans that had been thoroughly discussed after several meetings and had been agreed upon, were a real waste of time and energy for me, and a test of my patience. Another difficult situation I can recall recently was working on a project with someone who is very disorganized with his work, and has a hard time keeping a schedule so I quit working with that person. Both of these situations were very frustrating for me. In order to handle difficult situations such as working under a boss like I mentioned above which is unavoidable, some strategies that I can think of are: Strategy number 1 - to have more communication with my boss and gather as much information from him as possible. Try to find what he has in mind and learn as many ideas as he has regarding the matter that he asks to make a plan for. To foresee as many possible changes that he might want to make, as I can with the information gathered from the communication I have with

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