Jules Verne: Father Of Science Fiction

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says the famous science fiction author. He is known by his science fiction novels and inventions that he mentioned in his novels. His books are mostly about space, space ships and submarines. He is the man who chanced the future of the science fiction novels. He is also known as Father of Science Fiction. His full name is Jules Gabriel Verne. But he is mostly known as Jules Verne. Jules Verne was born on February 8, 1828, in Nantes, France. Nantes was a busy maritime port city. People who lived there earned their money from fishing. Jules Verne came from a family who had a maritime tradition. When Jules Verne was a little kid, being a crew member in a ship, traveling all around the world and adventuring new things were his biggest…show more content…
After he finished elementary school, in 1844, he started secondary school in Nantes. His school’s name was Lycée Georges Clemenceau. In his secondary school years he started to write short stories. Those were his first stories. After he wrote his first story, he found out that he was talented so he kept writing. In 1846, he went to Paris to become a lawyer like his father. In Paris, Jules cared about his school and lessons. But he didn’t care only about his school and lessons. In those years, he found himself attracted to literature and theatre. After a while, his uncle learned about Jules’s interest and talent in writing. Then he helped Jules to meet up with some famous artists and writers like Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas and his son. In 1849, he got his degree in law. But after he got his degree in law, he decided that his interest in literature was bigger than his interest in law. He stayed in Paris and kept writing. After his father found out that his son was not continuing being a lawyer, he got really angry and stopped sending money to his son, Jules. He began writing. He wrote theatre plays and short stories. He earned money from selling his short stories. On June 12, 1850, his first play Broken Straws (Les Pailles rompues) was…show more content…
He published his short stories in newspapers and magazines. He became friends with Jacques Arago. Jacques Arago was a French traveler who traveled all over the world. Jules was inspired from Jacques, so he started writing outside of France, as a man who never went outside of France. In 1856, he fell in love with Honorine de Viane. She was a young widow with 2 daughters. In 1857, they got married. With the help of his wife’s brother, he started working in the Paris Stock Exchange as a stockbrocker. In 1859, he went the outside of France for the first time, to the British Isles. He took notes as he traveled. He published his notes in a book named Scotland Travels. In 1861, while he was traveling the outside of France, his wife gave birth to his first child. He gave his child Michel that he heard while he was traveling. While he was continuing his job in Paris Stock Exchange, he was reading more than twenty daily newspapers, every scientific publishing and was interested in geography. In those years a man named Nadar was trying to make a hot air balloon. Jules met up with him and wrote about this in his one of the most famous book, Five Weeks in a

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