HBSC Health System Analysis

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Recommendations 1. Conduct a thorough system analysis Our recommendation and suggestion for HBSC management is to conduct a health system analysis in order to identify the existing problems and to determine the health system performance presently (Berman & Bitran, 2011). Besides, by conducting the system analysis, we are able to develop better policies and plans for the system improvements. Firstly, some relevant data based on the system inputs, processes as well as outputs are collected for investigation purposes. Next, analysis processes are conducted to discover the impacts of these problems on our customers as well as our reputations. Take appropriate measurements and prioritize the problems based on the level of severity. Then, we will…show more content…
For example, the information technology (IT) department should improve their system performance in order to lessen the failure of request delivery from the customer to the respective department and vice versa. Besides, we received a few complaints with regard to the unreasonable actions taken by bank as a consequence of misunderstanding and miscommunication, such as deducting money from bank accounts without clarifying its purpose, terminating credit card and charging high interest on the bank loans. Thus, several actions should be taken, for instances, the refund wrong amount of money that had been charged or provide a clear money transaction statement at the end of the month to every HBSC customer either in printed form or online form. Moreover, bank employees are required to inform or confirm with the customers before taking action to terminate their card system. In short, our customers will have a brief insight regarding their bank…show more content…
Customer service is the heart of a successful banking which plays a significant role in retaining and keeping the existing customer loyalty. Our recommendation based on the inefficiency of credit card systems due to the miscommunications between customers and bank employees is to conduct customer care training to our bank employees. In greater details, Figure 1 displays the four steps of customer service processes that should be carried out to construct a mutually satisfactory two-way communication between the bank and the customers as well as to evaluate the quality of services that presently deliver. Initial contact is the preliminary step in this training programme. Bank employees should have a clear mind set regarding our company’s objectives. Our main objective is to provide a truly exceptional customer experiences that can create loyalty and build genuine rapports by offering customer services in an ethical and courtesy manner. Through this training programme, our bank employees are required to practice positive attitude and cultivate some skills, for instances, active listening skills, communication skills and people skills. Consulting and listening carefully to the customers’ special concerns and needs. Subsequently, respond to their needs, complaints or inquires either though face-to-face, telephone, mail or

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