Joseph Stalin And The Blood Purges

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The blood purges were a series of trials created by Joseph Stalin to kill people of his choosing. Most victims were officials of the red army, scientists, and other leading cultural figures. Stalin was a paranoid and felt as though everyone was out to get him. Most trials were done publicly for humiliation, but there were those that were privately. He used the NKVD (secret police) to carry out the trial, and false accusations to prosecute the people. The trials created a dark time for Russia. There were people who were getting murdered just for being associated with a group of people Stalin was paranoid about.the purges resulted in millions of deaths in all of the social classes that Were in Russia at the time. In the book Animal Farm the event happened on pages 82-84 in the book. It started off with the chickens being executed for claiming to be associated with snowball. Then it went from the chickens to a variety of animals being slaughtered. The whole of it was to get the rest of the animals to turn on snowball. The event was ran by Napoleon who watched as the animals were slaughtered.…show more content…
Everything thing in the book was similar to the real thing. The dogs acted as the NKVD (secret police) and dragged the animals to the trail. Each of the animals who were slaughtered had been accused of something they didn't commit. They were all slaughtered in cold blood in front of the animals like those who were accused in Russia. Napoleon had accused all the animals of being in league with Snowball just like Stalin had accused all the people he slaughtered of being in league with his enemies. The animals felt shocked and scared because they feared the same might happen to

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