Jonathan Edwards Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God

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Jonathan Edwards’ Prodigious Works Have you ever heard about the famous Jonathan Edwards? I mean THE Jonathan Edwards, also known as the human being that delivered one of the most famous and influential sermons in 1741 called “Sinners in the hands of an Angry God?” Well, now you are in for a treat. I chose to write this paper because it was one of my favorites from our first unit of learning. In this paper I am going to walk you through some of the most important parts of his sermon so that you can understand just what he was trying to say and I will be discussing just how important these things really were to him. Now to shed a little light on the two most important themes I will be talking about throughout the writing. The first theme would…show more content…
The second theme would be that he is trying to get them to embrace God and that he wants them to have an emotional relationship with God. To start off with, Jonathan Edwards mainly wanted to get across to everyone that they are all sinners, because of course we are only human, and that God was angry with them for being sinners. He expressed this in his speech in many ways but I am just going to describe a few that I thought were the most important. He shows it at one point by saying “there’s Hell’s wide gaping mouth open; and you have nothing to stand upon, nor anything to take hold of; there’s nothing between you and Hell but the air; it is only the power and mere pleasure of God that holds you up.”(87). In this part of his speech he is…show more content…
He wants them to accept God into their lives and into their hearts. You can tell he wants them to have a connection with God just by a few of the other things he says in his sermon. A few of the examples would be “Therefore, let everyone that is out of Christ now awake and fly from the wrath to come.”(91) and also the sentence after that, when he states that “The wrath of the Almighty is now undoubtedly hanging over a great part of this congregation: Let everyone fly out of Sodom.”(91) He is just saying that he wants them to create a good and healthy relationship with their lord and saviour Jesus Christ and their creator God so that they are not banished to an eternity in Hell. This way they can get away from the Sodom and live a wonderful and happy eternal life in the kingdom of heaven after they
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