Johnson & Johnson Written Analysis

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Jawedullah Khushzad Professor Mosley FIN-3300-02 January 25, 2018 Johnson & Johnson – Written Analysis Overview of Company: Johnson & Johnson, Inc., is a holding company that incorporated on Nov, 10, 1887. The corporation and it supplements are committed in developing, manufacturing, researching and selling a variety of products in the medical field. Johnson & Johnson’s fundamental focus is on products associated to human health and well-being. The corporation has 119 facilities that operate in over 230 operating companies, throughout the world. Johnson & Johnson conducts business throughout the world. Some of Johnson & Johnson research are conducted at facilities in France, China, Israel, India, Canada, Brazil, Japan, Belgium, Germany,…show more content…
Developing, bandages, pharmaceuticals and medical devices improve business for the company. Johnson & Johnson manages, neutrogena, band-aid, tylenol, clean & clear and acuvue. The products mentioned above are some of the company’s primary products. The company mainly emphasizes on developing, medications and medical devices. There primary reach is too improve healthcare by bring improvements for pharmacies. Majority of hair salons, get contracts with Johnson & Johnson. The purpose of purchasing from the company is to pay less and generate for profit for long-term investments. The company mainly produces skin products and hair products. Most of the retail properties Johnson & Johnson market targets hair salons and pharmacies. Historical Stock Prices and Beta: The historical prices of JNJ were available ever since March 31, 2017. Prices have been constantly changing. The historical prices reflected from March 31, 2017 until Dec, 29. 2017. Historical prices analysis was based on available data from March 31, 2017 to December 29, 2017. The company’s historical stock price averaged $124.55 with a low price of $124.03 on March 31, 2017 and a high price of $141.21 on Dec. 29, 2017. According to Marketwatch Online, the average beta for the JNJ INC is 0.65, and this average was based on the data of the corporation as of March 2017. Based on Marketwatch, Yahoo Finance and Charles Schwab, as of March 31, 2017, JNJ has a beta of 0.65 which is 148.3% higher than the average industry
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