John Oakhurst In The Outcasts Of Poker Flat

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In the story "The Outcasts of Poker Flat", John Oakhurst does not posses the characteristics of an outcast. He is a man with moral, and is a kindhearted guy just like anyone else. He is a Gentlemen, he’s a leader, and honest good guy. The story supports this in many ways. There is countless reasons why he is not an outcast. Here is plenty of evidence on why he is not an outcast. John Oakhurst is a gentleman. Early in the story he offers to trade horses with Mother Shipton. He does this to ensure she has a more comfortable ride. He doesn’t have to do this, but Mr. Oakhurst being the gentlemen he is, does it without a moment hesitation. He also stays with the outcasts he is leaving. Again Mr. Oakhurst didn’t have to do this but he does

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