John Harrison's Argument Against The Death Penalty

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On August 5, 2006, John Harrison’s wife Katie Harrison was brutally murdered, leaving John to raise their two year old son on his own. A month later, John was charged with his wife’s murder, due to fake DNA evidence found on the knife that Katie was murdered with. John could not afford a lawyer, and failed to provide any evidence to prove that he did not murder his wife in court. He was then sentenced to the death penalty. John died by lethal injection after eleven years spent in prison on death row. Two months later, the police found the two men that were responsible for Katie Harrison’s murder. John did not murder his wife. “Eleven years of John’s life was wasted because of a terrible crime that he did not commit, but was wrongly accused of”, said John Harrison’s mother when she was interviewed, shortly after the two men were charged. “His son has not only lost his mother, but his father as well”. However, the death penalty is still carried out today, and we continue to murder people because of crime. Also, sadly, many people like John Harrison die unnecessarily because of a corrupt justice system. Why is it corrupt, do you ask? Because it is murder. In fact, the death penalty is a violation of human rights: the electric chair, the lethal injection, hanging. It takes away a person’s…show more content…
Unfortunately, this has happened quite a few times. Since 1973, over 130 people have been released from death row in America, because they were found to be innocent. But what if it was too late for them, like it was for John Harrison? This is unnecessary murder; innocent people are being murdered because of the corrupt justice system that many countries have. There are more than 40, in fact. What if you were wrongly accused of murder and sentenced to the death penalty? How would that make you feel? The risk of executing the innocent will always be there unless the death penalty is

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