Jennifer Kent's 'The Babadook'

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Australian director and writer Jennifer Kent proves that she knows what characteristics are needed to make a good horror film in her director’s debut The Babadook, which is both gripping and frightening in its storytelling. On the surface, this may seem like a typical scary monster flick only meant to scare, but beneath all the chaos and terror lies a deeper, more poignant message about grief, single parenthood, domestic havoc and having to deal with the loss of a loved one. Essie Davis plays the part of Amelia, a single mother forced to cope with the recent death of her husband (Daniel Henshall) as well as manage a household, which consists of her and her outspoken son, Samuel (Noah Wiseman) as well as the family dog. Life is already far…show more content…
Davis convincingly plays her part, as the audience can’t help but feel pity for Amelia as each hardship she is put through brings her one step closing to the breaking point. Newcomer, Wiseman, is perhaps a little too compelling in his performance as troubled child, Sam. So much so that the viewer will most likely take a strong disliking to him at first but slowly start to understand him more as the film…show more content…
This is proof that quality is not the product of big money or Hollywood endorsement. Again, Kent is praised for knowing how to tell an enthralling tale without the use of fantastic CGI but relying on old school techniques. The use of no big-name actors does well for the film, as it does not distract from the plotline. Audience will have an easy time focusing on each scene without having any preconceived notions about the players in them. Davis and Wiseman are excellent in their roles; both giving captivating performances while carrying the movie from beginning to end. The one downside to The Babadook is its over-blend of classic horror film elements, such as lurking monsters, evil possessions, home invasions and the psychological descent into madness to list just a few. This slight identity crisis can be a problem at times as the film is not sure what it wants to be. Certain parts come off as almost comedic in how unexpectedly they happen. And without a doubt the ending will leave several scratching their heads. But whether this is intentional or not, it does not detract from the film’s spine-tingling

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