Jeffrey Dahmer Research Paper

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Jeffrey Dahmer: Background Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was born on May 21, 1960 to Joyce Annette and Lionel Herbert Dahmer; he also had a little brother named David. Dahmer’s mother was said to be tense, greedy for attention, and argumentative. She would work herself to the point of extreme anxiety just for her husband’s attention; she even attempted suicide on an Equanil overdose. Dahmer’s father was not home much due to being at school; he was working towards a chemistry degree. So, Jeffrey’s parents didn’t have much time for him; he grew up in a very tense environment with his parents always fighting. Dahmer was a very quiet and timid child with very few friends. Starting at the age of four Jeff developed an interest for animals. He collected large insects and kept them in jars. He would also collect animal carcasses from the side of the road and dismember them. He stored the parts in jars and put them in the family’s toolshed. His explanations for his actions were that he wanted to see how the animal parts fit together. Dahmer would ask his father odd…show more content…
He would smuggle alcohol into his locker, hide it in the lining of his jacket, and drink it just in a cup during class. To the staff at his school he was quiet but said to be polite and intelligent. Though he only received average grades. He played tennis and played in the high school band for a short period of time. When Jeffrey reached puberty he discovered he was homosexual, but he didn’t tell his parents. In 1977, his school performance declined due to his alcohol abuse, general apathy with school and social skills. His parents got a tutor for Jeffrey and a counselor for their marriage; neither proved successful. Jeffrey's parents ended up getting a divorce. Just three weeks after Dahmer graduated (at the age of 18) he was living at his house

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