Jay Gatsby Character Analysis

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Jay Gatsby is one of the major characters in the novel The Great Gatsby. Gatsby is a man born in the working class, but he has an obsessive dream of becoming rich and establishing a future with the woman he loves: Daisy. However, Daisy is in an unhealthy matrimony with the unfaithful, but wealthy man Tom Buchanan. This consequently transforms her into a self-centered character, unlike the innocent girl that Gatsby once met. Daisy’s voice is described as a voice “full of money” – indicating her vain personality. The scene chosen is set in Nick’s – the narrator’s house, where Daisy and Gatsby meet for the first time in five years. Since Nick leaves the house we do not see how the meeting proceeds and this gap allows speculations around the event.…show more content…
I believed that you would wait for me, and I diligently studied and worked for our future. I’ve bought a big mansion for our future family. I can give you all the jewelry and the finest clothes. Here, feel this suit – 100 percent cashmere. I could not treat you the way you deserve before, but now I can, Daisy,’ Gatsby demanded almost obsessively when he noticed that Daisy would not answer. As Gatsby uttered those words, the whole atmosphere in the room changed. Daisy’s eyes – now in tears, finally dared to meet his. She grinned and moved slowly closer. In a second, every trace of insecurity diminished. ‘I have been waiting all along. I never stopped. Tom’s family and mine arranged the marriage, and I didn’t have a say. Tom never loved me. Ever since we got married, he has probably had five mistresses.’ Her voice was rich. It was full of money. At that precise moment the rain stopped, and the sun peaked between the clouds. Gatsby glowed. She was just like her old self, as Gatsby had remembered her, if not even more feminine and sophisticated. Every vestige of embarrassment vanished, as did the couple’s five years away from each other. Tears fell down Daisy’s rosy cheeks as the couple talked uninterruptedly about the past, about that specific summer, until Nick returned one hour

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