Personal Statement Essay: Why I Want To Study Science

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Since an early age, the sciences have always interested me; due to my rampant curiosity and fascination of how things work. I was first drawn into the field with demonstrations done by outreach programs such as Mad Science. I always looked forward to learning more about the topics and experiments they showcased. During middle school I pursued my interest in the sciences, being allowed more freedom and more opportunities than before. I vividly remember going to my father’s work as part of “take your kid to work day” (he is a navy research engineer) and seeing a plethora of amazing and strange robots. Needless to say, I was hooked on to engineering Learning to build and “code” LEGO robots was my new hobby during middle school; first starting by following the instructions then moving on to creations of my…show more content…
I researched months in advance to come up with the best topic I could, learning and enjoying most of the experience. Through my dedication and hard work, I won a special award at the state convention. The thrill of accomplishing a feat and being given recognition sparked my motivation during my early years, and solidified my decision to pursue science. In high school I continued to follow science; choosing to take an introductory engineering course and other advanced STEM courses. Active participation in math club at school taught me the significance of mathematics as the foundation of all sciences, which encouraged me to focus on advanced topics. Studying further mathematics has proved more demanding than I anticipated, but I have found the extra challenge very stimulating. Furthermore, it has shown me the extent to which mathematics is ultimately present in everything. This current year I joined my school’s robotics club, which I was thrilled to participate in and helped design a robot using motors and mechanical parts to perform specific

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