Ise Jingu Vs Hagia Sophia Essay

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Ise Jingu VS Hagia Sophia Zoe Clark Arch 290H Dr. Abernathy 20 November, 2014 Ise Jingu VS Hagia Sophia The Byzantine Empire (also known as the later roman empire) ran from around 285 to 1433 CE in Turkey. The height of this empire was in 555 CE, under emperor Justinian the Great. The Byzantines were known for their distinct and grant art and architecture, and was a time of innovation. One could say that the Hagia Sophia is a perfect example of distinct and grand art and innovation. About 160 years later in Japan, the Ise Jingu (also known as the Ise Grand Shrine) began its first construction. The Nara Period in Japan was known for their focus and appreciation of nature and agriculture. This building is unique in the fact that it has been rebuilt on one of two adjacent sites every 20 years, and this practice continues today. The Byzantine Empire started in 285 CE with fall of the Roman Empire. It ended in 1433 CE with the fall of Constantinople. In around the middle of this Empire, the Byzantines were thriving under the rule of Justinian the Great. Justinian is responsible for overlooking the construction of many grand buildings, but the grandest was by far the Hagia Sophia.…show more content…
Istanbul/ Constantinople has many earthquakes. When Hagia Sophia was first built, the original dome collapsed due to an earthquake on May 7th, 558 C.E. Luckily, Isidore Miletus’s younger nephew Isidorus was able to rebuilt the dome, making it of lighter materials and an additional 30ft taller, making it a total of 182 ft tall. He also changed the dome type slightly, making it ribbed with pendentives, which was finished around 562 CE. Ise Jingu on the other hand it deep within a forest making it very hard to get to (before modern day trails and roads). However, this could be seen as a positive because it was well protected from outsiders. Lucky for this shrine, it is ok if it gets damaged slightly by nature because it will get

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