Richard Vs Saladin Research Paper

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1 Viscardis Ryan Viscardis Mr. Franklin World History 26 November 2014 Richard vs. Saladin During the crusades there were many memorable leaders. Two of the most remembered were Richard I of England and Sultan Saladin, the leader of the Muslims. Although they have many similarities, as rulers of their respected Kingdoms, there are still major differences in the way they ruled within their kingdoms. Richard I was born on the 8th of September 1157, in Oxford, England. He was the third son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine. At a young age he had been highly educated and showed great political and military knowledge. He was known for his chivalry and courage, which earned him the nickname “Richard the Lionheart”. Since his two older…show more content…
As a result, the entire family was banished from the city in disgrace. They moved to the trading city of Mosul, where Saladin’s father and uncle served the anti-crusader ruler, Imad ad-Din Zengi. Zengi was also the future founder of the Zengid Dynasty. He grew up in one of the greatest cities in the Islamic world, Damascus, Syria. Even though Saladin’s interests were primarily in religion, he attended a military academy. In 1163, at age 26, Saladin accompanied his uncle, Shirkuh, on an expedition to restore the power of the Fatimid Dynasty in Egypt. His uncle was eventually appointed as a high Muslim official known as a Vizier of Egypt. Shirkuh died after a celebratory feast, so Saladin succeeded his uncle as a Vizier, on March 26, 1169 (Kallie…show more content…
In 1182, Saladin and his troops marched into the Christian territories across the Jordan River. Although the Crusader’s had built their largest army yet, Saladin’s army was still much larger and more highly trained so they easily defeated the Crusaders. By 1187, Saladin had control of most of the territory. The Battle of Hattin was a last desperate attempt to drive out Saladin and the Muslim army. On July 4, 1187, the armies of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, under Guy of Lusignan, and the Kingdom of Tripoli, under King Raymond III, attacked Saladin and the Ayubbid forces. The Muslims in this battle captured both Raynald of Chatillon and Guy of Lusignan. Raynald of Chatillon had previously threatened to attack the holy cities of Medina and Mecca. Raynald murdered many Muslims during the annual pilgrimage and cursed the Prophet Muhammad. Saladin personally beheaded Raynald, but Saladin’s reputation as a chivalrous warrior was confirmed when he showed mercy and did not kill Guy of Lusignan. On October 2, 1187 the city of Jerusalem surrendered to Saladin and the Ayubbid army. Saladin sold many of the Christian knights and foot soldiers into slavery, but protected the Christian civilians of the city (Kallie

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