Integrated Marketing Communication Plan Of Pepsi

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Integrated Marketing Communication Plan of Pepsi Gunjan Shree Thapa Westcliff University BUS 510 Marketing Management Dr. Geraldine Goodstone May 1, 2016 Abstract Pepsi Pepsi is a well-known carbonated cold drink sold by licensed distributors of PepsiCo around the world. It was first developed in 1880s by Caleb Bradham in North Caroline, USA (PepsiCo, n.d.). In 2015, it was ranked 29th most valued brands in the world (forbes, n.d.). Macro Environmental Analysis of Pepsi Every industry is affected by its market environment. Pepsi is not an exception. Its macro environment includes various uncontrollable forces such as societal or political that have direct or indirect effects on the company including its stakeholders…show more content…
population is the main demographic force that affects the marketing direction. It includes size and growth rate of population in cities, regions, nations, age distribution, ethnic mix (Kotler & Keller, 2008). Pepsi is a soft drink compatible for all ages, but its customer usually includes teenagers and young adults of age group 14-35 worldwide. It has expanded its market in 200 countries. With changing consumer behavior in developed communities switching to healthier low sugary products, it has focused on expanding campaigns on rural parts of the world, and has also introduced Diet Pepsi consisting zero calories (Dube, 2004). It also has Pepsi Max along its product line which is an energy drink for more outgoing consumers. Pepsi is packaged in portable various size bottles for convenience. For example, standard size returnable bottle targeted for young school going kids or lower class, making it easy to afford a quick drink. Large size returnable bottle is for family households while cans or disposable bottles are aimed at people who don’t have time to sit, drink and return the bottle. Accordingly pet size plastic 500 ml bottles were introduced to cater those customer who drank two 250ml Pepsi in one…show more content…
The prices changes in raw materials, labor rate, fuel prices due to inflation or deflation affects beverage industry too. Pepsi has different competitive price listing in different market depending on economy. In USA, 12oz can costs 50 cents to $1.50 depending on the state you are buying from. The global average price of one can of Pepsi is 0.58 USD with highest in Canada, Alberta purchasing it at 1.02 USD and lowest in India, Maharashtra at 0.01 USD (humuch, n.d.). This factor in influenced by disposable income of the market. Pepsi also offers low or high price depending on quantity purchased with almost same margin as competitors (Kahn, Kalwani, & Morrison, 1998). The estimation strategies for prices and advertising is done based on semiparametric information-based estimator (Golan, Karp, & Perloff, 2000). Socio-cultural environment Pepsi is sold worldwide, although variant in cultural market, the sales during festivals seasons for example Christmas, Deepawali, New Years of different ethnical groups are higher than usual. Hence different schemes are introduced to boost up sales during these occasions via gifts or

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