Influence Of Socrates Ideas On The Afterlife

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Socrates’ beliefs and ideas on the afterlife are often profound and confronting but the controversy it created got him killed. The ideas that he forged from his ever expanding repertoire of questions and answers made Socrates one of the most well-known but disliked personas of the Classical era. Living between 469 BC and 399 BC, Socrates seldom conformed to the codes and conducts of Athenian life. Wearing not much more than a robe and bare feet, Socrates presented as foolish and unkempt, leaving passing Athenians with a distasteful impression of him. This never bothered Socrates’ as his main concern was with the afterlife. Even though Socrates was never considered a pleasant man, he was unwavering in expressing who he was and what he believed, giving him some redeeming qualities. Although his arrogance and annoyance could overshadow his core beliefs, he shaped the way for modern philosophy and paved the way for critical thinking, not just of others ideas but for our own. Socrates often commented on the state of the body, mind and soul after we die. He, along…show more content…
Was he actually trying to gauge a variety of answers or was he only looking to further his own points by having others agree with him? This is purely speculation, though. Never writing down what he said, Socrates’ followers were the only one’s who could speak on behalf of him. In order to narrow down what is fact and what is fiction, I would need to look through a variety of sources about Socrates and find the similarities between them. We are going off thousands of years of translations, basing Socrates’ whole persona and ideologies off what a few people said and to only use one source would be problematic. Without comparing and contrasting evidence, I would be limiting my knowledge of Socrates and his ideas and any statements I use could be false or incorrectly worded, leaving this report

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