Imperialism In China

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Introduction New Imperialism in the 1800 and 1900s was a period of land grabs by European nations. These grabs were generally for economic, religious, nationalistic, and political. During this time the British made a grab for a colony in China. The British colonised China because of its need to control the tea market. The Chinese policy of self sufficiency led to a lack of interest in trading that caused the British to take aggressive and illegal tactics. The aggressive and invasive actions of the British led to the fall of the Qing empire. The amount china has been changed by these actions as can be seen from when comparing pre imperialism china. The change from the system in place in pre imperial china, was initially brought about by the…show more content…
Under the rulers of the Qing dynasty, like the many before them the country had flourished. The use of the examination system has enabled the Chinese to create a strong centralised civil service. The Qing imperial dynasty was at its hight as three successful leaders ruled the country. The nation had developed a commercial trade system allowing them to advance internal trade, this would work against the Chinese later when the British began efforts to trade with them. During this time China was very culturally diverse, the majority however were Han Chinese. The empire of which the Qing ruled encompassed many different groups, some defined by place of origin, while others were defined by religion. Author and world leading expert specialising in contemporary east Asia, Odd Arne Westad stated “Even the elites among those who were defined as the numerically dominant population … would in the early nineteenth century have found it difficult to define exactly what a “Chinese” person was.” (Restless Empire, page 29). The government was accepting of all people as long as they kept their beliefs and ethnicity to themselves. The empire tried to pretend to be the key to all meaningful…show more content…
This relationship stemmed from the growing love of tea in Britain, China being one of the major sources of tea in the world. In Britain, tea was becoming a major commodity, this along with the industrial revolution meant the british needed somewhere to buy and sell goods, China was perfect.
China was still at this stage fairly isolated from Europe, they had no trade treaties, this made it ideal for Britain who was seeking a place to buy and sell goods created in the industrial revolution. The British however, while trying to open trade with the country were failing, there was a clash between the British’ superior attitude and the belief from the Chinese that all foreigners were barbarians come barring gifts. When the British finally did managed to begin trading with the Chinese it was very limited, they were only permitted to trade in one port, for a limited time, and with only 1 type of government issued merchant. These terms didn’t fit in with the British ideas of trade, and since the Chinese didn't want anything the British had to trade, the British were finding themselves paying with more and more

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