Pros And Cons Of The Keystone Pipeline

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A major political point that is constantly argued about is where America is going to get the energy to heat our homes, supply the 254 million cars (Statista) and trucks in American, and help to generally promote American jobs and the economy. One recent solution that is being fiercely argued over is the creation of the keystone XL pipeline. Many who argue for the creation of this pipeline say that it will be a huge job creator, that it is safer than other methods of transport, and that it should be publicly funded to supply affordable gas the American people. Opposers of the bill however argue that the creation of long term jobs will actually be minimal compared to what TransCanada actually projects. They also argue that the production of this oil creates more emissions and possible environmental hazards than traditional gas extraction methods. Lastly disputants believe that funding this bill with government money would be a step backward…show more content…
Already there is the Keystone pipeline which has had multiple phases of construction with the first phase being completed in 2010. This pipeline runs crude oil from the tar sand basins in Alberta to refineries and holding tanks in Nebraska, Illinois, Oklahoma, and Texas. Currently the Keystone pipeline’s phase 1 and 2 can carry up to 590,000 barrels of crude a day (Harvard). The new pipeline being proposed is 1,179 miles long starting in Hardisty, Alberta to Steel city Nebraska, both places the current Keystone Pipeline runs to. The proposed Keystone XL pipeline, which is a much larger diameter pipeline, will go through Baker, Montana where light crude oil from Montana’s and Nebraska’s oil fields will be added and sent to processing. This larger pipeline will be able to carry an estimated 830,000 barrels a day. A diagram of the current and proposed pipeline’s can be seen in figure

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