Ineffective Tactics During The Vietnam War

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Throughout the Vietnam War (1965-75) the United States adopted a destructive approach in order to achieve the aim of demoralizing and wearing down the Viet Cong, the supporters of North Vietnam and the communist regime. Considering the fact that Americans had a huge army, money and technology at their disposal while the Vietcong appeared to be merely an underground army using guerrilla tactics; America’s victory in Vietnam seemed almost inevitable. However, by April 1975, America’s political ego and self-assurance was surprisingly abated due to the ineffective tactics used by the US military. This brief essay shall evaluate why these US military tactics were ineffective against Vietnamese guerrilla tactics during the conflict in Vietnam. One US military tactic that was ineffective against the Vietnamese guerrilla tactics was aerial bombing-‘Operation Rolling…show more content…
The aim of this aggressive tactic was to locate the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) and Viet Cong (VC) main force units in and around their base areas, attack them by fire, manoeuvre and subsequently grind the enemy into submission- a war of attrition. Once again, the US military tactics proved ineffective; more people from the North joined to fight the US soldiers, Vietcong did not use uniforms so it was difficult to identify them and as soon as US troops arrived at an area the Vietcong would often disappear only to return later. On the other, Booby Traps and Mines set by the Vietnamese were very effective as inexperienced troops often walked into them, an example were the ‘Punji Traps’-sharp spikes hidden in pits, contaminated to increase the risk of infection and in most cases death. Search and Destroy failed to grind the North into submission through body counts, instead it made US and ARVN troops unpopular as often innocent villages were destroyed, rapes and reckless killings

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