Thirteen By Hardwicke Essay

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Thirteen, a film coordinated by Catherine Hardwicke, gives a crude take a gander at female pre-adulthood. The film's hero, Tracy, is at first depicted as an "ordinary," composed seventh grader at her California center school. Evie Zamora is one of Tracy's companions and "the sultriest young lady at school" (Thirteen). With an end goal to get to know Evie and turn into an individual from the famous club, Tracy changes both her appearance and conduct. In particular, she quits eating, participates in unsafe sexual conduct and robbery, and starts cutting her wrists with extremely sharp edges. The outcome is a descending winding into weakness, awful evaluations, and local debate. Among mainstream media outlets, Tracy's conduct is connected to companion weight, her home surroundings, and her own particular flippancy. Rather than the presumptions of mainstream media, this paper contends that a women's activist lens, especially that…show more content…
Close to the start of the motion picture, there are early signs that Tracy is harrowed with anorexia. Her sibling, for case, cautions Tracy to eat on the grounds that "you get mean when you don't eat" (Thirteen). The degree of Tracy's anorexia is highlighted later in the film when her mom asks worriedly, "Have you eaten anything today, Trace?" (Thirteen). Susan Bordo offers a clarification for and inconvenience of Tracy's anorexia: "Through her anorexia, by difference, she has suddenly found a section into the special male world, an approach to wind up what is esteemed in our way of life, an approach to end up safe, to transcend it all- -for her, they are the same thing. She has found this, incomprehensibly, by seeking after ordinary female conduct -for this situation, the control of culminating the body as an item -to

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