In Units Stalked By David Philipps

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Journalist and their articles, thrive on media consumers. They depend on individuals to have the ability to express skepticism, judgement, free thinking, questioning, and understanding. They rely on intellectual thinking to provoke further engagement in the topics they decide to bring forward to their targeted audience. Thus, they are able to encourage how their targeted audience perceives the topic, or even cause global change. David Philipps is an award-winning journalist who predominantly works with the Colorado Springs Gazette and has had articles appear in the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and The Seattle Times, among others. He graduated from Middlebury College in Vermont, and after, attended Columbia…show more content…
The article emphasizes the importance of veterans, and ultimately, tries to persuade the reader that “what [these soldiers] bring home from combat is much more complex than just PTSD … It’s not just symptoms like sleeplessness or flashbacks, but an injury to their sense of self” (Philipps). While this article informs readers that other veterans are actively trying to help veterans who are struggling with resocialization, it almost encourages its non-veteran readers to further understand what each war-stricken veteran is dealing with, providing ample anecdotes from various sources. As Philipps states, “other’s cannot reconcile with the stark intensity of war with home’s mannered expectations, leaving them alienated among family and friends” (Philipps), thus leaving these men haunted, or as he states in the title, “stalked” by…show more content…
He begins by talking about the experience of one man who attempted to kill himself, named Mr. Bojorquez, then moves on to his friend, the battalion he was in, then finally ending with how the remaining veterans from the battalion help each other cope with re-socializing. Regardless of him expanding the issue to show the impact and how badly it affects others besides the main character, he still keeps the original man relevant during the remainder of the article, reiterating the fact that he was very close to the men who died and those who didn’t. Also, instead of mentioning the men who were killed just for added emphasis on the issue, the article is scattered with pictures of the shines made for each of the men who have died, and even those who have attempted to commit suicide. Likewise, the article has two videos from Mr. Bonjorquez speaking about his own experiences. The captions accompanying the videos and pictures add defined meaning. They mention the person in the article they relate to, a summary of what it is, and what importance it has on the individual it pertains to. Ultimately, they add to the emotional vibe the article

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