Importance Of Project Metrics Reporting

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Abstract You are reading the white paper for Metrics Reporting of Projects The objectives of this paper are to: • Talk about – What is Project Metrics Reporting • Uses & Different approach to the Project Metrics Most organizations use measurements in various ways to assess performance or effectiveness of various courses of action. Without measurement they have little more than subjective observation to determine whether things are on track; measurement is inevitable. Project reporting is very important because it enables us to keep our stakeholders informed as to the project progress, decisions, achievements, and issues. However, often reporting is done around a certain specific format that as a project manager, or stakeholders, may find…show more content…
1. Content Background Metrics provide statistical information about your project. While traditionally many metrics are financed based, inwardly focusing on the performance of the Project, metrics may also focus on the performance against customer requirements and value. In project management, performance metrics are used to assess the health of the project and consist of the measuring of six criteria: time, cost, resources, scope, quality, and actions. Metrics measure processes, activities, resources, processes and deliverables within a quality control plan. This data must be presented in a meaningful way so as to help project managers make the proper decisions or to take corrective steps on projects or both. 2. Problem 2.1 What is the Appropriate Metrics to be captured by a Project There is a way to provide a project management status report/metrics report. As an analogy, think about the criteria that a doctor might use to monitor health. He or she checks pulse, temperature, blood pressure etc. Similarly, a project needs to measure a mix of…show more content…
Solution Metrics measure processes, activities, resources, processes and deliverables within a quality control plan. More specifically, a metric is a unit that is used to collect data in order to report on the state of a particular IT service. This data must be presented in a meaningful way so as to help project managers make the proper decisions or to take corrective steps on projects or both. In order to measure these metrics effectively, indicators and measurable periods are utilized. Indicators are used to describe metric data that can provide information about a particular project. Examples of indicators used on a project include actual versus planned task completions, actual versus planned staffing, the number of trouble reports written and resolved over time, and the number of requirements changed over time. Types of Project Metrics There are three basic types of metrics: quantitative data (which collect the "raw" project data of the meaningful metrics), qualitative indicator (which provides the derived and calculated dependencies and correlations) and prognosed trends (which allow us to build and see the required extrapolations that permit us to make the correct

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