Importance Of Modernism In India

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India has successfully created an atmosphere for the co-existence of traditionalism and modernism by accepting many Western ways of living and working. The corporate culture is similar to the West in its work processes and creativity. Office attire varies, though most workplaces expect formal or semi-formal dress, while certain organisations allow casual wear on occasion. To help expats settle into living in India, many companies provide new arrivals with cross-cultural training to help them understand the nuances of local culture and get to grips with the language barrier. Traders had been doing business in India long before the East India Company emerged on the subcontinent in the early 1600s. Today, multinationals flock to the country to augment their business processes and IT services, and to search for growth in its burgeoning market.…show more content…
Business culture in India Indians generally make great efforts to accommodate an expat's cultural preferences – but this isn't to say that foreigners won't need to adapt to succeed in Indian business circles. Personal relationships In Indian business, trust is more often established through personal relationships than through legal contracts or a company’s reputation. As a result, establishing a strong business relationship without forming a personal one can be difficult. Sharing information about family, speaking about personal hobbies and interests, and spending time outside the office with Indian associates will build the trust needed to sustain the relationship when business negotiations heat up. Indirect communication style The desire to maintain harmony is a hallmark of communication in India. Locals generally prefer to communicate bad news in an indirect manner, especially when communicating with clients and

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