Post Revolutionary Cinema In Iran Film Analysis

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After the revolution, women have always been at the core of political and social challenges and conditions. Their independence, bodies and sexuality have been restricted by the constitution of tradition and religion. However, the new generations of post-revolutionary filmmakers are giving new definitions of the notions of modernity and feminism in Iranian society. They are redefining and rewriting the concepts of sexuality, feminism and gender in Iran. Some films have disobeyed the boundaries of gender inequality and gender discrimination and tried to provide insights into the lives of Iranian women. Post-revolutionary cinema in Iran brings attention to important issues that the Iranian society had been dealing with since the revolution (Afary, 2005).…show more content…
The intellectual and the poet Tahereh Qorrat Al Eyn was the first woman to remove the veil in public, which led to her execution in 1852 (Kandiyoti, 1991). Some scholars argue that cinema in Iran could have helped women to reach their quest for equality and liberation. Rather, it has been accused of misrepresenting women and labeling them as second-class citizens. They claim that the Iranian film industry brought misery to women by presenting women as housewives whose main duty is to be kept at home and reproduce (Naficy, 2011). For instance, compulsory veiling has divided the lives of women into two major sectors: the private and the public. For instance, all female crew members and all actresses must wear the veil in the presence of unrelated men. According to Hamid Naficy, Cinema in Iran started in 1925 at the end of the Qajar dynasty, which will mark the beginning of a sluggish journey towards fighting for equality and receiving awareness about the world after a long period of unawareness and idleness

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