Advantage Of Delphi Method

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2. Materials and methods 2.1. Delphi methodology The Delphi technique was employed for collecting data. This technique selects a panel of experts to undergo a series of questionnaires and interviews with the objective of building a consensus of opinion regarding a specific topic (Hus and Stanford, 2007). The Delphi method is a useful tool for identifying and prioritizing issues for managerial decision-making (Okoli et al., 2004). Warner (2014) suggests that the Delphi technique can be used to support agricultural extension planning and programming. There are several variants of the method, but all Delphi studies have some key elements in common. First, a Delphi study consists of multiple rounds of formal questionnaires, and the respondents are anonymous to one another. Second, a Delphi…show more content…
That is, after each round experts can revisit and rethink their answers in the light of the information provided. Third, a Delphi study presents a statistical summary of the group’s responses. The main advantages of the Delphi method are the ease of communication by international experts through electronic means and the anonymous response format that allows experts to state their preferences without being dominated by other experts (Ho et al., 2018). Delphi studies provide richer data because of multiple iterations and revision of responses due to feedback (Okoli et al., 2004). However, Delphi method is criticised due to its reliance on expert judgement, which may

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