Importance Of Concussions In Sports Essay

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Discuss the Importance of Correctly Attending to Concussion Injuries in Sport Ian Harry University of Notre Dame Australia Abstract The purpose of this essay is to identify what concussion is and to explore the importance of appropriate interventions and approaches when dealing with concussion injuries affecting athletes. both male and female were researched in a broad range of age groups, alone with participants in sports. To examine the evidence-based, online surveys, Interviews and systems in place to assess, manage and education all involve, minimizing and preventing further injuries. Introduction What is a concussion? The center for disease control and prevention (CDC) defines concussion as a “mild form of traumatic…show more content…
Young athletes are at a hight risk of sustaining a head injury, an average 7.3 million high school students participate in organized athlete events and 1.6-3 million sport related concussions occur annually in the USA (seifert, 2013) . Additionally, males and females in the same age group who sustain a sport-related conussion present different types of symptoms. In females more neurobrhavioral and somatic symptoms, whereas males presented more cognitive symptoms ( Frommer et. al., 2011, p. 76). The most common symptoms reported after a concussion in a sport-related injury were headaches and dizziness this occured in approximately 85% of athletes stated by the authors. Athletes at the hight of a game with adrenaline flowing can shake off a harder than usual hit but not relizing that may have sustained a concussion. Concssed professional athletes given the predominant environment are positively encourage to play throught the hurt in fear of being labled not tough enough. Concussion can go on noticed to the naked eyes, and may not appear on traditional neuroimaging which can become difficult for an athlete suffering from a concussion to be treated (Echemendia, 2012). Management and care plays important part, with the coaches and trainers on the sideline they are most likely to witness and injury. An athlete can benfit from early assessment right after an injury, the

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