Impact Of Brand Management In Big Bazaar

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INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO INTERNSHIP An internship is an opportunity for practical work experience in a researcher’s chosen field of study. This training provides you with hands-on learning outside of the classroom. This training offers students: • Practical, hands-on work experience • A chance to see first-hand whether a particular field is a good match • An option to practice what you have learned in the classroom • First-hand knowledge of a company • The ability to earn academic credit 1.2TOPIC CHOSEN FOR STUDY :- “A study on Brand Management” at big bazaar ,Hyderabad” MEANING The American Marketing Association defines a brand as “A name, term, sign, symbol or design or a mixture of them, intended to identify the…show more content…
Brand management is one of the vital elements for any company to be success in future; it would help to gain the competitive advantages among competitors. Brand management begins with having a thorough knowledge of the term “brand”. It includes developing a promise, making that promise and maintaining it. It means defining the brand, positioning the brand, and delivering the brand. Brand management is nothing but an art of creating and sustaining the brand. Branding makes customers committed to your business. A strong brand differentiates your products from the competitors. It gives a quality image to your business. Brand management includes managing the tangible and intangible characteristics of brand. In case of product brands, the tangibles include the product itself, price, packaging, etc. While in case of service brands, the tangibles include the customers’ experience. The intangibles include emotional connections with the product /…show more content…
● To know the advertising strategy of Big Bazaar D-Mart. ● To know the relation between advertising strategy and buying decision. ● To comprehend the determinants of consumer satisfaction. ● To know about the growth potential with respect to demand analysis. ● To analyse product mix. ● How Big Bazaar initiate and maintain the in retailing through promotion 1.6 SCOPE OF THE STUDY: Brand management involves managing the tangible and intangible aspects of the brand. For product brands the tangibles are the product itself, the packaging, the price, etc. For service brands the tangibles are to do with the customer experience - the retail environment, interface with salespeople, overall satisfaction, etc. 1.7 LITRATURE

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