I Affirm The Code By Emily Isolation Quotes

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Bradley Kent Mr. Bell American Literature 1B March 9, 2015 “I affirm the code” “Isolation” The author William Faulkner uses Emily to explore isolation and alienation from society. Emily is isolated from everyone because the new generation comes in. Emily’s interaction with society was minimal; she never cliqued with the town. She disliked the new generation when they attempted to make her pay taxes, which further made Emily more isolated. The people feel bad for Emily but don’t know why Emily is the way she is. This story tells how people are in isolation and how the cope with living in the shadows. Faulkner uses Emily to make a point about how you never know someone until you know them. The author William Faulkner uses Emily to show isolation…show more content…
The theme is when growing up in isolation, and in the shadow of someone else like the painting it takes a toll on a human, in which they won’t be like everyone else they will be an outcast. Also people could say the theme is loss. Emily lost everything from herself by letting herself go and not caring to Homer in which she had lost to unknown causes when he decided Emily wasn’t the one, this affects her because she has nothing else to lose except her life. Faulkner writes “after her father’s death she went out very little; after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her at all.”(Pg.2 Faulkner). Emily never displayed emotion even with everything that has happened to her because she is used to it. Faulkner writes “She carried her head high enough-even when we believed that she was fallen.” (Page 4 Faulkner). When Emily dies the town’s people feel bad for her. The towns people then enter the house that no one has stepped foot in for a while, they then go upstairs. Upstairs they find Homer Barrens dead body on the bed, and next to him a pillow with a head indentation. The town’s people believe she has been sleeping with the dead body of the man she loved. Emily did this because she didn’t want to let go of him she didn’t want to lose the one person who she cared for. The people don’t know if Emily killed him or he died of natural causes but they do know why she was so isolated. Faulkner writes “I need rat…show more content…
4 “After her father’s death she went out very little; after her sweetheart went away, people hardly Saw her at all.”(Pg.2 Faulkner). “When we saw her again, her hair was cut short, making her look like a girl, with a vague resemblance to those angels in the colored church windows-sort of tragic and serene.”(Page 4 Faulkner) “She carried her head high enough-even when we believed that she was fallen” (page 4 Faulkner) I’m not the best writer but I try my hardest to do my best even though my best is not the most high quality work I try to do all the required things even though I have trouble with it it’s hard to do my grade kills me because I know I can do better than that but it’s hard to do with all my other classes I hope I get a good grade on this because I need a good grade in this class so I can get my car back and hopefully go home soon to see all my

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