Bromden's Hallucinations

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Alisher Ken keseys book o.f.o.c.n was filmed in 1962 by milos forman. The film had good public reviews and won 5 Oscars. Its cast included famous actors like jack nicolson a Louis fletcher. One of the cast Will Sampson played Chief Bromden, who had psychological illness and narrated the story in the book. Even though chief’s narration may hinder readers understanding of the story, the book is better in showing his perception than the movie, because he helps to create mcmurphy’s character and the film doesn’t show his hallucinations. Bromdens narration creates Mcmurphys personality. "This guy is redheaded with long red sideburns and a tangle of curls out from under his cap, been needing cut a long time... " This is exact picture of McMurphy given in the book by the Chief Bromden's narrations fully different than we see in the film, where McMurphys hairs not red. For all the times this color symbolized force, danger and rebellion, for example Red Book of endangered animals. This missing small part hides from audience McMurphys important feature, particularly his…show more content…
One of them is fog machine, or in other words very important symbol. The main purpose of fog machine was making illusion of safety. Missing of this part totaly could change understanding of the film's idea. For example there is no scene in film where we could see, understand or read such words : "Nobody complains about about the fog. I know why, now: as bad as it is, you can slip back in it and feel safe. He keeps trying to drag us out of the problem.hisin there where we'd be easy to get at." Another example that shows that Film missed Chiefs hallucinations, that helps to get books main theme is his nightmares. "It's Mr.Turkle that pulls me out the fog by the arm, shaking me and grining. He says, "You havin' a bad dream, Mistuh Bromden."" Chiefs nightmares significant hint of book's idea. Film misses this part, but book does

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