Hypocrisy In Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'The Scarlet Letter'

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1. Based on what I know about Puritan, New England, her punishment does fit her crime. The puritans were all about their religion. They were made to read their bibles, and whoever did not comply with their beliefs were considered to be a devil worshipper. So it makes sense for the Puritans to punish Prynne in that manner. 2. The theme of hypocrisy is all throughout the Scarlet Letter. The “church” women sort of put a brand on Prynne’s head after she is put on the scaffold. They even suggest that she should be put to death for her sin. Before Hester is put up on the scaffold those women they are discussing the fairness of her punishment. 3. Hawthorne uses nature to reflect the storyline by allowing nature to be the place where Hester…show more content…
Pearl- name in this story does seem to fit her. The townspeople seem to shun her just as much as her mom. She is a little too smart for her own good. Pearl means of great price, and she was conceived at a great price. Her mother was shunned for her actions and was basically an outcast. Hester- This means to have fault. In this story she is guilty of adultery, and because of her sin brings forth a child not by her husband. Her name does reflect her character. Chillingsworth- The word chill means to be relaxed. He is very set upon finding who has committed the sin with Hester. He has to act calm and not let that get the best of him. Dimmesdale-Dim means to be indistinct. The town knows him to be a reverend but he is guilty of adultery and being the father of Pearl. His action to not be brought forward for his actions make his name suit his personality. 5. The chapter dealing with the Leech was appropriate because in this chapter Chillingsworth seemed to be like a leech. He would not let go of bringing the sinners to the light, and making both of them to admit to their sin. In my opinion, Chillingsworth is slowly wearing away Dimmsdale so he will admit to being Pearl’s father, and that is sort of like a leech’s
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